Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Bloggin' (with a baby) Ain't Easy!!! Common Royalty 2.0

Wow! It has been a hot minute since my last post!

Sorry for the MIA status, but Emma has been keeping me SUPER busy, these last few months as her naps have become much fewer (basically one long nap around mid-day) and her awake time has been much more active.

Emma Update:

At 7 months now she is pulling herself up to stand and is crawling all over the place. As a result I have been finding that the "free" time I have while she is asleep is eaten up with cooking, cleaning up, errands, etc..and by the end of the day, I am either zonked or vegging out in front of some very bad reality TV while giving myself a DIY mani. That said, she's been worth every single second of sacrificed "me" time :

(...that smile tho'!!!)

I posted on my Instagram a fun little "magazine cover" I made of Emma using PhotoGrid:

I was snapping iphone pictures of her in her car seat just as we were readying to leave the house one day, and I got this super serious shot of her that look so "posed". I couldn't resist the urge to do something fun with it and I think it is HILARIOUS!  I must say, I am quite proud of my clever little baby celeb "articles" listing - I am planning on framing it and adding it to her nursery.

Blog Update:

My maternity leave is just about half way over now, and while I did contemplate giving up on my blogging "experiment" (particularly about two months ago when Emma had me getting up two sometimes THREE times at night!!) I have decided that I'm not yet ready to call it quits and so I will forge on - despite the fact that my readership is dominated by close friends and obliging family ;) 

Truly, as blogging is something I've always wanted to try, I am doing this for myself and for the fun I have in designing this page - Yes, I did every last bit of this blog on my own using Google search to direct me to a bunch of helpful sites and providers of the requisite html codes! (No, I did not have any idea what html is/was prior to this endeavor - and for the most part I still do not beyond the fact that I am able to copy and paste the 'code' I need into the box I am told to to make my blog do what I need it to do!)

Common Royalty 2.0
As I move into my second effort at this blog I've made a couple of changes. The first is I've changed the title from this:

to this:

I've added an Instagram feed to my @commonroyalty page along the right side bar and upped my social media game by finally creating my google+ and facebook fan pages!!!


Thalicia Pennant (Google+)

I've been doing a lot of research on how to attract readers and connect with other bloggers and so now that I am happy with the design and functionality of my site, I am planning to spend this next phase really focused on increasing my content and and connecting with others in hopes of improving my online presence. 

I'd love to hear from any of you who may be in a similar boat as far as facing the challenges of starting a blog, or if you have any thoughts on the new look of my page. Let's connect!

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